This post might irk people, but the internet has been such a negative and hateful place - I need to at least change the narrative on my page, and in my mind.

I am fortunate.

I am fortunate to be locked down with my family. So many are alone, or missing theirs.

I am fortunate to have choice and options. So many countries do not.

I am fortunate for our health, and to have access to Medicare. We can access healthcare when we need.

I am fortunate to have a job, and an income. So many have had this taken away.

I am fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful areas. How many people can run to the water each day.

I am fortunate that I can run when I want too, and that it’s safe to do so.

I am fortunate to l have free education available, and have access to teachers who are doing everything in their power to help get our kids.

I am fortunate to be able to FaceTime and talk to my family and friends whenever I want.

I am fortunate to have neighbours that keep the spirit of community and togetherness alive.

I am fortunate, I am struggling, it’s ok to be both.

I may have things on my list that you don’t have on yours. But I’d love to hear, big or small, what are you grateful for?